Sealyham Century Site

Sealyham Century Site
Owned and Bred by: Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Dickinson
Waldaira, Green Lane, Selby, Yorks
Great Britain
Thomas F. Dickinson, a very educated man in optics from several schools.
He owned his first dogs, Scotties and Sealyhams, at the age of 17 and later concentrated to the Sealyhams, winning his first CC in 1932, bred several Champions, including Eng. and Am Ch. Alcide of Axe (runner-up Dog of Year in 1961). He also bred pigeons with some success.
Elected member of the English Kennel Club in 1952.
Started to judge the Sealyhams giving out CC´s in 1953. His first all-rounder appointment at open shows was in 1959.
He was the breed correspondent for Our Dogs for many years.
At 1972 he had retired from active showing but still attended some shows.
He was the President of the Midland Sealyham Terrier Club 1966 - 1969.
The Kennel bred eight Champions all together, two of them also American Champions.
All of them pictured below.
First Champion was:
Ch April of Axe and Ch Asp of Axe in 1953. The last one was Ch Alycidon of Axe in 1965.
Ch Asp of Axe, 1953 Ch Alycidon of Axe, 1965
(St Margret Snowstorm - Aster of Axe) (Ch Apollo of Axe - Ch Adella of Axe)
Ch Andrew of Axe. Born in 1955 and Champion in 1957. He was by Ch St Margret Statesman - Aster of Axe. Andrew was an outstanding puppy. He was best puppy at shows under judges like Miss Baylay, Mrs Cuming, Dr Royden, Mr Gardner (who awarded him a R-CC), Mr Gadsden and Miss Chenuz , who also said of him ”outstanding youngster, true sealyham type and showed liked the good one he is”.
He won any variety puppy at Windsor and Cardiff championship shows. Father of Avis of Axe.
Ch Anabel of Axe. Born in 1956 and Champion in 1958.
She was by Ch Asp of Axe - Ch Leckington Lonesome.
She was Best Bitch at the STBA Ch. Show and also Best Terrier at four Open Shows and one reserv best all breeds.
She was also the mother of Ch Astrid of Axe
Ch Apollo of Axe.
Born 1953. Champion 1955.
(Ch St Margret Rhosmawr Remus - Amber of Axe)
Ch April of Axe.
Born 1950 Champion 1953
(Ch St Margret My Selection -Ivory of Axe)
Ch Alcide of Axe bred and handled throughout his show career in Great Britain by his owner, held the all time record (1962) for the breed having won 20 CCs and 19 Best of Breed awards.
He was Best in Show at Windsor all breed show in 1961 and at Leicester all breed show both days.
His show career was shortened in Great Britain owing to illness of Mr Dickinson. All his winning was done by the age of 2,5 years.
He was sold to the Pool Forge Kennels in the USA. He became an American Champion 1962.
He did a lot of winning in the USA as well like a terrier group win at Westminster in 1964.
In many opinions Alcide of Axe competes with St Margret Steve about being the best Sealyham ever.
CC-winners at the 1955 STBA show.
Mr T.F. Dickinson with Ch Asp of Axe and Miss Baylay with Ch Shenden Princess and the judge Mrs.C.J. Barber.
BORN 1959. CHAMPION 1960
CH Apollo of Axe - Ch Anabel of Axe
Ch Alcide of Axe winning Best in Show at Windsor 1961.
Ch Alcide of Axe at Blackpool 1961. He won the terrier group and was reserve Best in Show.
Ch Astrid of Axe
Born 1959. Champion 1961
(St Margret Steve - Ch Anabel of Axe)
More Sealyhams from the Axe Kennel
Anthea of Axe
Born 1959 (not sure) won CCs
(Ch Enterprise of Oxclose - Aster of Axe)
Ch Adella of Axe
Born 1961. Champion 1963
(Ch Alcide of Axe - Ch Shenden Painted Model)
Ch Alycidon of Axe
Born 1963. Champion 1965
Champion USA 1967
(Ch Apollo of Axe - Ch Adella of Axe)
Amber of Axe
Born in the late 40´s or early 50´s
Mother of Ch Apollo of Axe and grandmother to Ch Alcide of Axe.
(St Margret Marshall - Cinderella of Axe)
Bonanza of Axe
Another early sealyham from Axe
(Ch St Margret Serene - Birkdale Bonanza)
The Dickinsons were still around in 1981 when they celebrated 50 years with the breed.
They won their 1st CC at Taunton in 1932 with Marionette of Axe.