Sealyham Century Site

Sealyham Century Site
Owned and Bred by: Sir Jocelyn Morton Lucas,
Watford-By-Pass, Great Britain
Edith died in a fire at their home in London on 21st January 1956.
He re-married on the 20th October 1960 to Thelma De Chair. She died June 23rd 1974.
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In 1933 Sir Jocelyn married Lady Edith Kekewich. She was keenly interested in her husband´s kennel and she was also a great dog lover. He had leased Mrs Dixon´s kennel Gunthorpe but by this time the kennel was moved to Watford-By-Pass. This was only 40 minutes from London by car where Sir Jocelyn and his wife lived.
Sir Jocelyn is also famous for being the creator of the Lucas terrier, a mix between the Sealyham and the Norwich terrier.
Sir Jocelyn was a well know writer on sporting subjects.
He is famous for the following books:
Pedigree Dog Breeding.
Hunt and Working Terriers.
The New Book of The Sealyham.
Simply Doggy Remedies.
Sir Jocelyn also wrote sporting articles in the Daily Mail.
Here some of the famous Ilmer Sealyhams
Ch Ilmer Amigo
Born 1948. Champion 1952.
(Ilmer Highmore Roland - Ilmer Another Amanda)
Ch Ilmer Glamour Girl
Born 1937. Champion 1939
(Ch Scaling Slick Fella - Eelibuj)
Ch Ilmer Supreme
Born 1936. Champion 1938.
(Benjamin of Yawto - Ilmer Suzanne)
Ch Dulcie of Ilmer
Born 1934. Champion 1937.
(Ch St Margret Snowman - Broadmead Babs)
Ilmer Kilken Kumbak
Weight 20 lbs.
At stud in the 1950´s
Ilmer Christopher James
Weight 15 lbs.
At stud in the 1950´s
Ilmer Johnny Boy
Born in the end of 1940´s
(Ilmer Alemein - Ilmer Lady Be Good)
Ch Ilmer Fashion King
Born 1938. Champion 1940 (USA).
(Ch Covenham Cadet - Mardke Marigold)
After his second wife died in 1974 Sir Jocelyn moved to a nursing home where he died on 2nd May 1980, 91 years old. Sir Jocelyn had no children.
A TIME IN THE PAST with Sir Jocelyn Lucas hunting terriers.
An article written by Peggy Greyson for Sealyham Nytt 1987
The Kennel moved from Watford-By-Pass in 1961 owing to the great increase of traffic from the M1.
The kennel was managed by Mrs Plummers and she conducted most of the Ilmer breeding operations since 1931. The kennel now moved to her place at Bonners, near Luton.